Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A New Journey

Welcome to my new blog about William Fowler. William is my 4 year old son, the 2nd oldest of 4 children. When he was officially diagnosed with Autism a little over a year ago, I knew he had a long road ahead of him. What I didn't realize is how much of a journey it would be for me.

This new foray into Blogging is my attempt to keep people up to date on the highs and the lows of raising a boy with Autism. I will be posting in an effort to let you know about things like:

  • Behavior
  • Therapy
  • Financial Assistance
  • Insurance
  • Diet

Probably most importantly, I'm going to vent -- Because every one of those topics comes with it's own complete set of complicated issues.

Hopefully you'll be interested, I promise you'll be informed, and it's entirely possible you'll be entertained.

Stay tuned...



Jen said...

Thank you for doing this! I work in childcare and this helps me understand alot better about Autism and special needs, You are already strong and wonderful to be there and not leave when things get tough! May God bless ya'll in everything you do, Jennifer Compton (joshua house)

Unknown said...

I know about your site from my Sunday School in Katy, Texas. Barry Debor leads our group. You've probably checked out every resource known to Man, but let me suggest you checking into "autismactionplan.org". It's a monthly fee but has webcasts/ live chat etc. on unconventional treatments for autism and spectrum kids. Methyl B12 and "Respen-A" are helping a lot of these kids. God bless.