Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What Can You Do?

Okay, it's time....here's where we ask for your help.

In a perfect world, I would make enough money so that Nickie could stay home with the kids, and also hire a full time nanny so that we could double his therapy, and she could make it to all of the sessions we need.

If you had a sick kid, you know there's nothing you wouldn't do to get him or her what they need. You'd drive to Walgreens at 3am. You'd catch vomit in your hands. (That one was not my favorite - I am going to bring that up at someone's wedding in 20 years.) You'd walk in front of a bus if you thought it would do any good.

So, maybe this little thing can help - On the main page of our blog, there's a Donate button. You can help us pay for the therapy this kid needs. If you've got a minute, throw a buck in.

Also, let me know what you think. If you think this is a great idea, let me know. If you think it's stupid, why should you donate to William Fowler when you can donate to the Sierra Club, let me know. If you would like to tell me something a little more colorful on what I can do with the donate button, let me know.

Your choice.

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