Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Part of the Public Consciousness?

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. So, I guess the opposite of support from soceity would be public indifference. I can't speak for all parents of kids with Autism, but personally I am sick of feeling ignored. When is someone going to create a colored wrist band for people to wear to increase Autism awareness? When is Donald Trump going to have a challenge on The Apprentice where all proceeds go to Autism Speaks?

We get a back story news article here and there. And a crappy book from a has-been playboy playmate.

But wait, now we've got comments from Michael Savage on his radio show where he says Autistic kids are just brats. The handful of people who actually paid attention to his comments want him fired. I say just the opposite. Frankly, I am thrilled that it's making news. Maybe in 10 more years, after I have spent about a million bucks on ABA therapy, maybe then the news will be putting Autism as the leadoff story on the 10 o'clock news. Let Michael Savage shout it from the rooftops that we're all crazy charlatans, with over-medicated, bratty kids. Let's start a good heated argument on the subject! Isn't that what we Americans like? A nice Jerry Springer style brawl? Let's argue about Autism, cause right now all I hear is crickets from NBC, CBS, and ABC. What side does Barbara Walters come down on in all of this? Maybe we could get Tom Cruise to weigh in. (I mean, come on....his medical prowess has already been heralded.)

I am sick to death of all this stuff being no one's problem, and reported on right after the big story on the Grady Squash Festival. The state doesn't want it, insurance doesn't want it, which leaves the parents, if they can manage to stay married, to try and figure out how to come up with about $50,000 a year on their own.

We've been lucky. We've been blessed with family who has helped, and friends who have helped us throw a benefit to raise money for William. (MUCH more on that in a later post.) But what about the people who don't have the money, don't have family with money, and maybe live somewhere with no connections and no way out?

Let's get talking about it. We all know about Cancer, AIDS, Parkinson's, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Erectile Dysfunction. Can we please talk about the hundreds of thousands of kids who are trapped among us?

So, to Michael Savage, I say this: Screw you. And thank you.

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