Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finding Color In a Black and White World

Many people have asked what this means, exactly: Finding Color in a Black and White World. Well, here are my thoughts:

The mind of a person with autism might appear to be black and white at first glance. Our intention, however, is to provide the opportunity for William to successfully navigate through "our" world, with the ultimate hope that he can invite us into the utterly amazing and truly colorful world in which HE lives.

My perspective has changed quite a bit over the past couple of years. I wanted so desperately to change the situation. I had to deal with the raw feelings I was having: despair, grief, guilt, hopelessness, and anger...not to mention exhaustion. A person can find those same emotions with the loss or illness of a loved one. In my world, this is exactly what we were dealing with: the loss of who I imagined William Theodore Fowler to someday be, and the illness of his diagnosis: AUTISM, which needed to be "cured".

Oh how that has changed! I'm still exhausted, but I'm VERY SLOWLY beginning to see all that God has given us in this precious boy. He has changed my heart forever. He has shown me that love is so much more than I understood it to be. I have kicked holes in walls, cried my eyes out, written letters of "concern" to an obsessive count, and even attempted William's headbanging techniques...all to no avail. To some of you this is no surprise...but do you know what is working? PRAYER. God is answering my prayers. I have been praying for MY HEART TO CHANGE.

No, William is not "cured". But do we really want him to be "cured", per say? What is so "wrong" with him, anyway? He's a quirky little dude with really funny language, and an obsession toward nudity. He certainly has difficulty with loud noise, pretend play, conversations, balance, getting lost, well...yes, there are loads of "issues". But, he sure does love me! And wow, I do love that kid!

He has successfully stolen my heart, and let me tell you, I SEE this Black and White World:-)